About Us

Celestial Industries was initially created as a Music Studio. Its intentions were to create a safe and productive environment for music artists to express themselves and bring their art to life. Over time, the demand for DJ Entertainment sky rocketed. With the help of our incredible Marketing and Promotion Team we were able to pivot in the right direction. We Specialize in Corporate and Private DJ Events in order to help fund our Artists’ Dreams. We use the funds accumulated from our larger contracts to fund our own events for all of our signed artists. Each artist signed by Celestial Industries is Trained to work all Corporate and Private Events. We Specialize in 80s/90s Flashback Nights, Early 2000s Throwback Nights, House Music/ EDM Nights, Yacht Rock Easy Like Sunday Morning Days, and So Much More! As our artists continue to work our Corporate and Private DJ Contracts, they in return earn Performance Slots at Celestial Industries Hosted Event. It is at these events where our Artists can showcase their latest work with hour long time slots.

Our long term goal is to make noise across the country in the Music Industry. We look to be invited to the largest name brand music festivals and host our Artists at a Celestial Industries Sponsored Stage. We will continue to grow and eventually fund our very own Festival Grounds locally here is the great state of New Jersey! Any one interested in joining this vision is encouraged to email us and express who you are as well as your art. We welcome Music Producers, Singers/Rappers, Videographers, Film Producers, Writers, Painters, Sculptors, and any other Human that is interested in showcasing their craft.